ESN workshops

Announcement of ESN workshops

Monday, May 05, 2008

ESN workshop : "Volunteer Organisation and Management Workshop" on 1st June 2008

Volunteer leadership and good volunteer group management practices are key to the sustenance and growth of a volunteer group

In this “Volunteer Organisation & Management Workshop”, what we hope to achieve is to share good practices of volunteer management through a forum style discussion to better prepare the volunteer leader in facing the potential challenges.

Teamwork is another big component in a volunteer group. “Teamwork? Teamwork!” attempts to emphasise the importance of teamwork through a game setting.

Handicraft work is a good activity to engage elderly in. In this workshop, we will teach volunteers how to do dough-sculpturing, which they in turn teach elderly to make useful handicraft.

Literally, the “Transferring and Transporting Elderly” section is to equip the volunteer with skills to handle the elderly during transferring and transporting the elderly via wheelchair. We have invited a specialist to share with us the techniques to transfer and transport an elderly as we engage them in activities, considering both the safety of the elderly and the care-giver.

Venue: National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (directions below)

Date: 1st June 2008 (Sunday)

Time: 9am - 3pm

Target participants : Volunteers who are involved in volunteer group management

To register : Email

Note: $5 will be collected for lunch, tea-break and materials cost


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